Muhammad Fajar B Web Developer

About Me Projects

My Expertise

Hello World! I am Muhammad Fajar B based in Makassar, South Celebes, Indonesia. I like to create stylish, clean, creative, and powerfull stuff. I seek to bring meaning into system.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Vue.js


PHP, Laravel, Code Igniter, MySQL, Python


VS Code, Google Chrome, Git, Bitbucket, Github

Featured Projects

Makassar Technopark

E-Prala (Elektronik Praktek Laut) is a Marine practice electronic systems for cadets to evaluate and report on their work.

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Mamminasata Land
Makassar Technopark

Makassar Technopark is an agency that have vision as Centre of excelent for aplication software development and service in Eastern Indonesia.

Check it out
SALAM Wakatobi
SALAM Wakatobi

SALAM Wakatobi is a Wakatobi Community Based Complaint Service Facility (Information Communication Technology) where the Community can make a Complaint to the Government in Real Time and the Government will conduct Feedback related to the complaint so that the Community can monitor the complaint.

Check it out
See Other Projects

Want to work together?

I'm currently accepting new projects and would love to hear about yours.
Feel free to contact Me.